
Monday Apr 13, 2015
Episode 79 - All He Left Us Was Alone
Monday Apr 13, 2015
Monday Apr 13, 2015

Comics Therapy. No Reviews. Just Analysis.
Two comics from April 8, 2015. Plus a Second Opinion, featuring questions answered by a different listener each week, with Roderick Ruth.
Show Notes:
This week we’re talking about the complex ties that bind us to our families, that drive us to the ends of the earth, galaxy, dimension, whatever. And how sometimes our memory of those once-close relationships is warped over the years we spend apart. Parent to child. Sibling to sibling. What we had isn’t always what we will have. But we keep on searching for it.
Birthright #6 25:02
Lies and deceit taint the opportunity to reclaim a lost family, which likely ceased to exist long ago. Plus: swords and axes and magic, which always makes reconciliation go more smoothly, right?
Saga #27 42:14
One family's emotional and physical separation is at the center of an epic war spanning across the galaxy. Not lying.

Monday Mar 23, 2015
Episode 78 - Erase Me, Replace Me: The Avi Ep
Monday Mar 23, 2015
Monday Mar 23, 2015

Comics Therapy. No Reviews. Just Analysis.
Two books from March 18, 2015. Plus a Second Opinion, featuring questions answered by a different listener each week, with Aaron Meyers. Whaaaaaat? Yeah, you read that right, Aaron is doing a Second Opinion, which means Andrea's co-host is...her 9 year old son Avi. Truth.
Show Notes:
This week we’re talking about modern mythologies and the way comics today often lift classic character tropes from literature and repackage them for new audiences. Wait. Seriously, mommy? This is what you do with Aaron every week? Can’t we just talk about the comics?
Your intro and outro this week were also picked by Avi. And you have to admit, Aaron, that he did a really great job with the intro especially.
Chances are pretty good we'll be off next week, since both Andrea and Aaron will be in Seattle for Emerald City Comicon. See you there!
Peanuts #26 26:01

Monday Mar 16, 2015
Episode 77 - I'll Be Missing You
Monday Mar 16, 2015
Monday Mar 16, 2015

Comics Therapy. No Reviews. Just Analysis.
Two comics from March 11, 2015. Plus a Second Opinion, featuring questions answered by a different listener each week, with Pete Buser.
Show Notes:
This week we’re talking about loss, and the hurt and sacrifice that comes after everything changes. Nothing lasts forever, and that sucks. Bodies grow old, career paths falter, relationships end. But still, we’re here. Gotta get busy living, or get busy dying.
Astro City #21 16:40
The end of one life, and the choice for a new one. Taking steps together or apart. Aaron sees growth, Andrea sees loss. Maybe the two go hand in hand?
Silver Surfer #10 32:05
Loss as an equalizer, but at what cost? With self sacrifice may come immeasurable loss for this pair, or it may be the glue that further binds them together.

Monday Mar 09, 2015
Episode 76 - The Robots
Monday Mar 09, 2015
Monday Mar 09, 2015

Comics Therapy. No Reviews. Just Analysis.
Two books from March 4, 2015. Plus a Second Opinion, featuring questions answered by a different listener each week, with John Littrel.
Show Notes:
This week’s theme is artificial intelligence, and how it’s rarely the smartest idea as it turns out. We’re talking about two books where the best robotic intentions turn out to be the worst for their human makers. Artificial intelligence is a hot topic these days, in the news and in comics. The singularity is upon us, kids. Don’t be scared.
Universe! #2 12:30
Descender #1 33:40
Also mentioned:
Alex + Ada
The Names
Small Wonder (yupppp.)
Blade Runner

Sunday Mar 01, 2015
Episode 75 - We(Mostly Aaron)'re Not Gonna Take It
Sunday Mar 01, 2015
Sunday Mar 01, 2015

Comics Therapy. No Reviews. Just Analysis.
Two books from February 25, 2015.
Show Notes:
This week’s theme is eh, screw it. It was supposed to be superheroes and second base but then Aaron went and had a conniption on the internet so all bets are off.
Comics and criticism. Reviews and enthusiasts. And American Splendor. Your welcome.

Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
Episode 74 - Under my Thumb
Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
Tuesday Feb 24, 2015

Comics Therapy. No Reviews. Just Analysis.
Two books from February 18, 2015. Plus a Second Opinion, featuring questions answered by a different listener each week, with Matt Roberts.
Show Notes:
This week’s theme is under the thumb of the man, or as we like to call it, just another week talking 'bout the patriarchy. Both books feature oppressive regimes targeting and eliminating undesirables that don’t fit into their precious worldview. Coincidentally, both leaders of those regimes are middle aged white men, drunk on the power of their own ignorance. Like Aaron.
Bitch Planet #3 30:22

Sunday Feb 15, 2015
Episode 73.1 - One Is The Loneliest
Sunday Feb 15, 2015
Sunday Feb 15, 2015

Monday Feb 09, 2015
Episode 73 - Rebel Girl
Monday Feb 09, 2015
Monday Feb 09, 2015
Comics Therapy. No Reviews. Just Analysis.
Three books from February 4, 2015. Plus a Second Opinion, featuring questions answered by a different listener each week, with Mike Garvey.
Show Notes:
This week’s theme is girls behaving badly. We’re looking at two female characters doing traditionally male jobs - hired killer and secret agent - and discussing the trials and tribulations of being a member of the softer sex in that hard, hard world. Along the way, we’ll touch on classic gender roles in the home and office, and our perceptions of those expectations today. And just for fun, Marvel’s Agent Carter will be making an appearance in both of these conversations, since it not only fits thematically but is also another stunning example of midcentury misogyny. Basically we’re talking about women who can kick your ass and look great doing it.
Lady Killer #2 14:30
She really can have it all! The faithful husband, beautiful children, perfectly coifed hair and promising career. Let's hear it for domestic tranquility, everyone.
Velvet #9 33:37
So many layers of lies - and at the center, one of the most complex and compelling female characters being written today.

Saturday Jan 31, 2015
Episode 72 - We're Going In Circles
Saturday Jan 31, 2015
Saturday Jan 31, 2015

Comics Therapy. No Reviews. Just Analysis.
Three books from January 29, 2015. Plus a Second Opinion, featuring questions answered by a different listener each week, with Cleon Soares.
Show Notes:
This week’s theme was going to be the very pithy “everything old is new again,” which was both a not-so-subtle call out to how lax we’ve been with our recording schedule, but also an acknowledgement that all three titles we’re discussing this week have been a long time coming. But after we read them, at least one of us (spoiler: Andrea) was left feeling really depressed. (Like, more so than usual.) Sure, we’ve been waiting for Danger Club for awhile. And High Crimes is always worth the wait. And even what is going on over there on the X-Men-slash-Avengers unity team has been building for quite some time. But did you notice how heavy they all were? Maybe it’s not that everything old is new again, maybe it’s that everything dies?! Let's discuss.
High Crimes #9 19:28
It's not about mountain climbing. It's about deciding whether you want to even live to try to do so.
Danger Club #6 27:39
Existential teenage heroes and a force greater than the gods that can destroy us all.
(Plus, since we're talking fatalistic philosophy, some more High Crimes action as a bonus.)
Uncanny Avengers #1 40:15
Starting over again. Again.

Monday Jan 26, 2015
Episode 71.1 - Con Missing
Monday Jan 26, 2015
Monday Jan 26, 2015