
Sunday Aug 31, 2014
Episode 56 - Fight The Power
Sunday Aug 31, 2014
Sunday Aug 31, 2014

Two comics from August 27, 2014. Plus Regression Therapy (about DC and Marvel, go figure).
On The Couch: writer Joe Casey.
Show Notes:
This week’s theme is one part respect my authority, one part know your enemies. We’re looking at two comics where the organizations in power are characters in and of themselves. Where the members of said organizations are guided and influenced, for better or for worse, by their affiliation. Where the greater good is wildly up for debate and where absolute power just might corrupt absolutely. We’d like to believe that super powered authorities would have our super best interests in mind, but in comics that’s definitely not the case.
C.O.W.L. #4 13:17
Superhero union negotiations in 1960s Chicago. When the super law of the land is an official - and public - part of the political machine, corruption is included.
Mind MGMT #25 26:07
Sometimes managing the super talented is secondary to using them to manage the regular folks. But when the shadowy organization designed to do that falls apart, chaos reigns for all.
The Couch - writer Joe Casey 41:15
Joe has written for Marvel, DC, and Dark Horse among others, and his creator-owned works like Godland, The Bounce and Sex have been published through Image Comics. His development and production company Man of Action created Ben 10 and Generator Rex, both on the Cartoon Network, and produced and story edited Ultimate Spider-Man and Marvel's Avenger’s Assemble on Disney XD. Just recently he picked up the reigns on the new Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers ongoing published by Dynamite Entertainment, and at the Image Expo that kicked off San Diego Comic Con, he announced his newest creator-owned book Valhalla Mad.

Saturday Aug 23, 2014
Episode 55 - We Can Build This Dream Together
Saturday Aug 23, 2014
Saturday Aug 23, 2014

Two comics from August 20, 2014. Plus your Nerd Confessions (about your favorite teams).
On The Couch: Eisner-nominated writer and artist Farel Dalrymple.
Show Notes:
This week we’re talking about teams, however reluctantly they may come together. We’ve always been fascinated by group dynamics, especially if the members of the group are aware of their own inherent dysfunction. And maybe it’s more accurate to say we’re talking about that self awareness rather than the teams themselves. In all three books today - Secret Avengers and The Multiversity, as well as The Wrenchies which we discussed with creator Farel Dalrymple - members of the teams in question are not only aware of the precariousness of their partnerships but also that their entire existence is a construct in a comic book. The ultimate meta team for the multiverse.
Secret Avengers #7 8:43
Breaking the fourth wall. Ask Aaron how he feels about that.
Also: Marvel continuity and a shocking role reversal.
The Multiversity #1 26:15
Bending the fourth wall. Now ask Aaron how he feels about that.
Also: DC continuity and...we don't know shit.
The Couch - Farel Dalrymple 36:33
Farel is known for his creator-owned work, like the Eisner-nominated It Will All Hurt, published by Study Group Comics and Pop Gun War, published by Dark Horse Comics. He also drew Omega the Unknown for Marvel Comics. In 2013, Delusional, a collection of comics and sketches was published by AdHouse Books. His newest work, the graphic novel The Wrenchies, was published this summer by First Second.

Sunday Aug 17, 2014
Episode 54 - How The Gods Kill
Sunday Aug 17, 2014
Sunday Aug 17, 2014
Two comics from August 13, 2014. Plus your Nerd Confessions (about your favorite gods in comics).
Special Live Studio Guest: Eisner-nominated writer Christopher Sebela.
On The Couch: Chris Ross, Director of Digital Publishing and Eisner-nominated Lead Designer for Top Shelf Productions.
Show Notes:
This week’s theme is the gods must be crazy. We’re talking about two books that illustrate how fucked up the powers that be - or not to be - really are. And they definitely hold a grudge against the women and men created in their image. So much so that sometimes it’s not clear whether we’re talking about the good guys or the bad guys, the gods or the demons themselves.
This episode was recorded LIVE AND IN PERSON for only the second (and possibly final) time ever, and features not one but TWO Eisner-nominated creators named Chris! That also means the audio quality for the first half of the show is not up to our usual standards, but hopefully we made up for it with bonus hilarity.
The Devilers #2 17:35
The Couch - Chris Ross 44:05
Chris is the Director of Digital Publishing for Top Shelf Productions. He’s also their lead designer, and you’ve seen his work on Nate Powell, John Lewis and Andrew Aydin’s March, Mark Russell and Shannon Wheeler’s God is Disappointed in You, Jeff Lemire’s Lost Dogs and Underwater Welder and of course Ed Piskor’s Wizzywig, nominated for Best Publication Design, probably for it’s sweet dimensional cover hotness. We talked about what exactly all this production stuff means, and some good old fashioned digital vs. print ideas. Also scotch. And wine.

Saturday Aug 09, 2014
Episode 53 - On The Streets (Alternate Title: Oh The Humanity)
Saturday Aug 09, 2014
Saturday Aug 09, 2014

Two comics from August 6, 2014. Plus your Nerd Confessions (shouting out your most favorite LCS, in honor of our friends at Legends Comics & Coffee taking home an Eisner for best comic shop in the world!)
On The Couch: artist and writer Ulises Farinas.
Show Notes:
This week’s theme is on the streets where you live. (There’s even a great song from the musical My Fair Lady that we could have used for the intro music, but of course Aaron vetoed that because he hates joy.) We are looking at two characters who live on and are masters of the streets. One, a masterful tactician one the wrong side of the law, the other a skateboarding vigilante. Both happen to be young and female, by the way, so that’s kind of awesome.
We were also off for two weeks, so we talked for a loooooooong time at the top of the show. (Turns out we actually like each other. Except Aaron.) As always, the markers are below if you'd like to skip past the kid talk and SDCC recap.
Genius #1 27:45
Genius or sociopath? How plausible is a young, black female embodying the military genius of Napoleon or Patton? And how much does that matter as her story unfolds?
Street Angel #3 41:35
In a more fantastical world, a young teen battles ninjas, conquistadors and the Devil. Plausibility is less of an issue, but just how important is it that Street Angel is female to tell her story?
The Couch - Ulises Farinas 54:40
Ulises drew the Agents of Change stories in the Catalyst Comix reboot, published by Dark Horse and just wrapped up the Judge Dredd: Mega City Two mini series published by IDW. He is teaming up again with his Agents of Change collaborator Joe Casey for the Captain Victory series published by Dynamite Comics the first issue of which came out this week. He’s co-writing the anthology series Amazing Forest, published digitally by Monkeybrain Comics. And he’s the artist and co-writer of Gamma, a one-shot serialized in Dark Horse Presents.

Sunday Aug 03, 2014
Episode ## - No Show This Week
Sunday Aug 03, 2014
Sunday Aug 03, 2014
Hey Friends just a quick note to let you know there won't be a show this week. Recovery from SDCC, some food poisoning, life, work etc. We will be back with a great guest interview and some hot comics talk next week, we promise!

Tuesday Jul 22, 2014
Episode 52 - Nothin' But A Good Time
Tuesday Jul 22, 2014
Tuesday Jul 22, 2014

This week’s show is short and sweet, with some fun stories from Aaron about his glory days in San Diego and some specifics about how to find Andrea if you’re going to be at the con. In a non creepy way, of course. Be kind and have fun. Those are the rules.
Andrea's panel with Reading With Pictures is at 4pm on Friday, July 25. More information can be found here.
If you aren't already, you can follow Andrea on Twitter at @andreashock. Or follow her partner in crime Rod at @roderickruth for pictures and shenanigans. You can also follow Aaron at @aaronmeyers, but he'll be in Oregon. Aw snap.
Looking to meet up with us? Add your info to this list. Have a safe, fun SDCC, everyone!
And happy anniversary, Comics Therapy. Here's to another great year.

Saturday Jul 19, 2014
Episode 51 - True Colors
Saturday Jul 19, 2014
Saturday Jul 19, 2014

Two comics from Wednesday, July 16, 2014. Plus your Nerd Confessions (about your favorite character origins).
On The Couch: writer Marguerite Bennett.
Show Notes:
This week’s theme is you can’t deny who you really are. Nature or nurture, whatever it is that makes you you, can’t truly be contained. And more importantly, it shouldn’t be. You *are* a unique snowflake, and trying to be someone or something you aren’t just because other people want you to is only going to bum you out in the long term. We’re looking at two characters who are resisting their true selves, one to fit in and one to, well, not kill people. But hey, if killing people is who you are, do your thing. Maybe. In comics, anyway.
Elektra #4 19:15
An assassin with heart, and a discussion of memory and self identity.
Princess Ugg #2 31:30
A (warrior) fish out of water, and a(nother) discussion of gender roles in today's society.
The Couch - Marguerite Bennett 58:34
Marguerite has written a handful of titles for DC comics, including issues of Batgirl, Lobo, Batman: Joker’s Daughter and Superman: Lois Lane. She’s part of the writing team for the upcoming Earth 2: World’s End weekly series out this fall as well. Last week, Marvel announced that Marguerite would be writing the Lady Deathstrike story as part of The Logan Legacy following the Death of Wolverine, also out this fall. And for Boom, she’s writing the Sleepy Hollow miniseries, based on the television show, and co-writing Butterfly with Aresh Amel, published through their Archaia imprint.
Some of Marguerite's favorite books right now include Lumberjanes, Saga, Batwoman and Batgirl.

Saturday Jul 12, 2014
Episode 50 - Getting Angry Never Solved Anything
Saturday Jul 12, 2014
Saturday Jul 12, 2014
Comics Therapy. No Reviews. Just Analysis.
Three comics from Wednesday, July 9, 2014. Plus your Nerd Confessions (about comics that made you angry).
Show Notes:
This week’s theme is getting angry never solved anything. Really. It just makes things worse. We're not saying let people walk all over you, just maybe pick your battles. Chill out. C’est la vie. We’re looking at characters who haven’t quite mastered the art of taking a deep breath and counting to ten before freaking out. Shockingly, not a single one of them is big and green, either. Turns out, there’s a lot of anger in comics. Because while it may not be a great life strategy, it does make for good storytelling.
Captain Marvel #5 13:55
Punching aliens while the aliens punch you. Carol Danvers hits first and asks questions later.
Magnus Robot Fighter #5 26:57
Punching robots while the robots (and their human) punch you. Magnus hits first and never asks questions at all.
(Bonus: more Carol Danvers talk.)
Punching...your mom? While the CIA tries to punch you? Valentine is surprisingly the most level-headed of this group, so far.
(Bonus: more Carol Danvers talk AND and extended insight into Andrea's pop culture dissonance.)

Friday Jul 04, 2014
Episode 49 - I'm the World's Greatest
Friday Jul 04, 2014
Friday Jul 04, 2014

Happy 4th of July, fellow Americans.
No interview this week, but the show is up a day early. For the people.
Three comics from July 2, 2014. Plus your Nerd Confessions (about your favorite comics EVER) and a bit of Regression Therapy.
Show Notes:
This week’s theme is delusions of grandeur. We’re looking at characters who think they’re untouchable, unstoppable. That’s a pretty common trait in comics. Heroes and villains with a god complex make up probably a third of the books out there. What sorts of things have to be in play to convince an individual that he is all-powerful? And yes, shockingly, all of the delusional characters we’re looking at today happen to be male. Go figure.
Moon Knight #5 22:00
This unstable vigilante is kicking ass and taking names, looking more confident than he has in years. So far, his delusions really are pretty grand.
The White Suits #4 37:35
Who are the good guys anymore? And if revenge is the motivator behind one's actions, are those actions still done for the greater good?
Sheltered #10 52:50
A God amongst kids. Or a reprehensible leader, using his charisma - and a lot of lying - to carry out the most atrocious acts.

Saturday Jun 28, 2014
Episode 48 - Intergalactic
Saturday Jun 28, 2014
Saturday Jun 28, 2014

Two books from June 25, 2014. Plus Your Nerd Confessions (about your favorite comics set in space) and a brief moment of Regression Therapy.
On The Couch: artist Nick Pitarra.
Show Notes:
After last week’s navel gazing, we’re turning our eyes upward and outward to ponder the vastness of space and the opportunities that present themselves beyond the limits of this rock we all call home. Do the trials and tribulations of Earth translate to space or is space crime more exciting because it’s in space? And what makes someone decide to go to space in the first place? Earth may be full of issues, but at least they’re usually pretty manageable. Space is so vast and unpredictable, as we’ll see. Plus, in space, no one can hear you scream.
The Fuse #5 14:30
"It's a trap."
Letter 44 #7 29:40
"You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."
The Couch - Nick Pitarra 46:05
Nick is the artist and co-creator of the Eisner-nominated series The Manhattan Projects, published by Image Comics. He previously collaborated with his co-creator Jonathan Hickman on The Red Wing, also published by Image.
It's a long interview, and we kept the pre- and post-conversation in the show. Otherwise you would have missed a sweet discussion about kale. And also comics. And Skype. And drawing. Yeaahhh. It's a loooong interview. You're welcome.