
Friday Nov 15, 2013
Episode 17 - The Kids Are Alright
Friday Nov 15, 2013
Friday Nov 15, 2013
On The Couch this week: artist and writer Howard Chaykin.
Show Notes:
Theme of the show is adolescents in turmoil. Young protagonists in traditionally adult situations can make for some interesting conflict. And so can familiar characters made accessible for younger readers.
Li'l Gotham #8 11:55
In the "stages of all-ages", these approachable stories and pretty pictures are the Aesop's Fables of the DC Universe.
Rocket Girl #2 20:05
Man, teenagers can be so hot-headed and impulsive, especially with a rocket strapped to their backs.
Bandette Vol 1: Presto! 25:30
This Eisner-award winning tale of a teenage bandit is the darling of the industry, but why? Bandette has us all wrapped around her little finger, and we love everything about it.
The Couch - Howard Chaykin 34:50
A living legend, Howard has been a celebrated artist and writer in comics for the past forty years. He is currently drawing Satellite Sam with writer Matt Fraction and writing and drawing Buck Rogers for Hermes Press. He’s drawn and written countless books for both Marvel and DC, but was also one of the first to publish commercially successful creator-owned work like his American Flagg! Howard is known for his controversial and boundary-pushing series Black Kiss published by Vortex Comics in 1988 and the follow up sequel put out by Image Comics last year.

Friday Nov 08, 2013
Episode 16 - Do You Ever Think What Life Would Be After You Die?
Friday Nov 08, 2013
Friday Nov 08, 2013
On The Couch this week: artist and writer Becky Cloonan.
Show Notes:
Theme of the show is what happens when we die. Make no bones about it, mortality sucks. No matter where, or when, you are.
Ghosted #5 14:45
Mansion, check. Possession, check. Occult artifacts, check. Gateway to hell, check. Yeah, this is a pretty traditional haunting, starring a con man with a slightly different plan about how to spend the rest of his second chance at life.
Ten Grand #5 22:09
It's love story, okay? But he wasn't a very nice man and she's dead, and these things never really work out anyway, do they?
Trillium #4 29:28
The end of everything. Well, not everything. Just humanity. But we're selfish like that.
The Couch - Becky Cloonan 37:50
Becky is known for her self-published work, like The Mire, for which she took home an Eisner this year for Best Single Issue or One-Shot, as well as Wolves and Demeter, all of which are available via Comixology. She’s also worked on well-known titles for Vertigo, Dark Horse, Image and Marvel, and was the first woman to draw DC’s main Batman title last year. She’s currently drawing The True Lives of The Fabulous Killjoys, which we talked about back in Episode 4.

Thursday Oct 31, 2013
Thursday Oct 31, 2013
Comics Therapy. No Reviews. Just Analysis.
Happy Halloween, everyone.
Two books from October 30, 2013. Plus Nerd Confessions, Aaron's Inner Child and a special edition of Grief Counseling. You know, for kids.
And on The Couch this week: writer Christopher Sebela.
Show Notes:
The theme of the show is...well, sorta scary Halloweeny stuff, sorta Aaron getting to talk about Infinity again. But Andrea read more of The Walking Dead, so that's sorta thematic, right? And definitely both of your sorta dedicated hosts had been drinking before the show, so it's super festive up in these parts. Sorta.
Five Ghosts #6 15:00
Fabian Gray is a bit like Indiana Jones meets Doctor Strange, with a haunting for every different type of literary nerd out there.
Infinity #5 23:17
Why is this event so damn great? If you have a spare five hours, Aaron will gladly tell you.
You're welcome.
Grief Counseling - The Walking Dead Vol. 9 #49-54 33:10
Before you go attacking Aaron, this was Andrea's idea. It's fiiiiiine. She had a month off, and this volume wasn't as traumatic as the previous one. There's no crying, just yelling at Aaron as per usual.
The Couch - Christopher Sebela 44:17
Chris writes High Crimes, published by MonkeyBrain Comics (and which we talked about back in Episode 2), and the upcoming Alien Vs Predator from Dark Horse Comics. He’s the co-writer of Ghost, also from Dark Horse, and has co-written Captain Marvel and Fantastic Four from Marvel. His first book, Screamland, was published by Image Comics and he’s also a contributor to Rachel Deering’s upcoming In the Dark anthology published by IDW. He's got solid horror cred.

Friday Oct 25, 2013
Episode 14 - Hot Town, Summer In The City
Friday Oct 25, 2013
Friday Oct 25, 2013
Two comics from October 23, 2013. Plus your Nerd Confessions and Aaron's Inner Child.
On The Couch this week: writer and artist Terry Moore. (Squeeee.)
Show Notes:
Theme of the show is life in the big city.
The rat race pace of the urban sprawl got you down? Perhaps you should try something more ...unconventional to belay your boredom. Like dressing up in costume. Or sex. Or both together if you’re into that.
Daredevil #32 14:!2
The Man Without Fear leaves the comfort of the riot-torn big city for the unknown wilds of backwoods Kentucky. That's enough to scare anyone.
Sex Criminals #2 26:35
This is a lovely new comic that you should be reading...or, alternatively you can listen to Aaron and Andrea discuss their sexual awakenings. No, not together. Gross.
(Editor's note: The io9 article Andrea referenced on synesthesia, "What Color Is An Orgasm?" can be found here.)
The Couch - Terry Moore 39:43
In addition to stints on several notable titles at Marvel and DC, Terry is known for his three self-published series Strangers In Paradise, Echo and the currently running Rachel Rising. (We talked about Rachel Rising and gender roles back in Episode 8, by the way.) This special extended interview was recorded October 20, 2013.
During the interview, Terry mentioned a few comics and creators:
Sanctuary (drawn by Ikegami)
Osamu Tezuka
Jack Kirby
Matt Baker
Thanks, Terry. And thanks, listeners. You're really upping the bar with the nerd stories/confessions, so keep it up. Contact information is to your right as usual, and drop us a line if there is a particular creator you're interested in hearing on the show. We'll be back next week with a special surprise...

Friday Oct 18, 2013
Episode 13 - Just A Man And His Will To Survive
Friday Oct 18, 2013
Friday Oct 18, 2013
Comics Therapy. No Reviews, Just Analysis.
Three comics from October 16, 2013. Plus your Nerd Confessions and Aaron's Inner Child. On The Couch this week: writer and artist Brandon Graham.
Show Notes:
Theme of the show is survival of the fittest. The choices you make when you're in the trenches are the only ones that matter. Do you have what it takes? Gah. No pressure.
Liberator #4 9:30
Animal abusers, beware. After a lengthy discussion about their past punk lives and poultry pasturing, your co-hosts admit that they'd rather read about extreme activism than live it.
Nowhere Men #7 25:50
If you're not loving this book, Andrea doesn't want to be friends with you. Hear that, Meyers?
Amelia Cole #11 Hidden War Part 5 36:53
Impulsivity as the key to heroic behavior. Also, #TeamLemmy
The Couch - Brandon Graham 45:25
Artist and writer Brandon Graham’s work includes his critically acclaimed, Eisner-winner King City, the relaunched Prophet series from Image Comics, and Multiple Warheads, the first of which was recently reprinted by Oni Press. As if that's not enough, Walrus, his first art book, is available through PictureBox.
That's it for Comics Therapy this week, kids. Keep sending those fantastic nerd stories/confessions and hit us up via the sidebar with questions or comments. And we're having a blast with The Couch, so if there's a specific creator you're interested in hearing from, drop us a line. We have more amazing folks lined up over the coming weeks! Stay tuned.

Saturday Oct 12, 2013
Episode 12 - Miracles
Saturday Oct 12, 2013
Saturday Oct 12, 2013
No Reviews, Just Analysis.
Three comics from October 9, 2013. Plus your Nerd Confessions and Aaron's Inner Child.
And this week, we also welcome our first guest to The Couch: writer Kelly Sue DeConnick.
Show Notes:
Theme of the show is hubris, by way of science, by way of man’s constant struggle to catalogue and control the natural power around us, and within ourselves. It hardly ever goes as planned.
America's Got Powers #7 12:20
This is the (un)true story...of (countless) strangers...picked to live in a house (on Alcatraz Island)...work together (trying to kill each other) and have their lives (and deaths) taped...to find out what happens... when people stop being polite (or normal)...and start getting real (powers).
FBP: Federal Bureau of Physics #4 23:00
Comic book science done right. Now featuring actual science!
Paul Pope's Battling Boy 32:35
An almost-perfect all-ages book that combines familiar mythology with recognizable pulpy science tropes in an appealing and approachable way. Our first conversation about a graphic novel, because Aaron was so excited he just had to talk about this book immediately. Turns out he was right.
We read on The Internet that the final stage of the grieving process is acceptance and hope, so for now we say goodbye to Grief Counseling and The Walking Dead and look ahead to our exciting new segment featuring candid interviews with creators we respect whose work we admire.
The Couch: Kelly Sue DeConnick 41:15
Up first, the venerable powerhouse that is Kelly Sue DeConnick, writer of Captain Marvel from Marvel Comics, Ghost from Dark Horse Comics and her highly anticipated new creator-owned series Pretty Deadly from Image Comics.
Thanks for listening. Everything you could possibly want to know about us or the show is to your right. And keep those nerdy stories coming, kids. Cheers.

Saturday Oct 05, 2013
Episode 11 - Outsiders
Saturday Oct 05, 2013
Saturday Oct 05, 2013
No Reviews. Just Analysis.
Three comics from October 2, 2013, plus your Nerd Confessions, Aaron's Inner Child and the last segment of Grief Counseling (for now).
Show Notes:
Theme of the show is outsiders. Period.
Todd The Ugliest Kid In The World #6 15:20
There's probably some societal commentary going on when the boy with the bag on his head is the most beautiful thing in the book, right?
Iron Man #16 23:08
Arguably the most iconic Marvel character at this point (sorry, Peter), Tony Stark is once again having an identity crisis. Somebody get the poor guy a drink. Oh. Awkward.
Mara #6 37:53
Transcending humanity is the ultimate disconnect from everything she once knew. A fulfilling conclusion to Mara's search for her new sense of self.
Grief Counseling - The Walking Dead, Vol. 8 #43-48 45:35
This one should come with a warning label.
Each week for the the past eight weeks, Andrea has been reading a volume of The Walking Dead. If you read it, you probably remember what happens in #48. You probably also understand why she's probably definitely taking a break from continuing with this game. She'll take Tony's drink, though. Make it a double.
Thanks for listening, and thank you THANK YOU to Edward for the extraordinary new audio equipment. We're one step closer to world domination thanks to your generosity, sir.
As always, contact and subscription information is in the sidebar. And don't forget to share a sweet, silly or sophomoric nerd confession with us to play on the show. Don't be an outsider, everybody is doing it.

Sunday Sep 29, 2013
Episode 10 - Parents Just Don't Understand
Sunday Sep 29, 2013
Sunday Sep 29, 2013
Three comics from September 25, 2013, plus Nerd Confessions, Aaron's Inner Child and Grief Counseling.
Show Notes:
Theme of the show is parents. Everyone has them at some point. Many of us become them later in life. The bond between parent and child is unlike any other in this world, but that doesn't mean that everything's always coming up roses.
Jupiter's Legacy #3 14:25
Why focus on just parenting when you can focus on really bad parenting? Or bad child-ing? It's every parent's fear that they'll outlive their children, and these children are doing everything in their power to ensure it won't happen. You can't choose your family, but you can choose how long they'll live.
FF #12 30:05
What kind of parent sends their kid to a school where the students are smarter than the teachers? It's the Future Foundation, not the future of parenting. Whitney Houston may not have believed it, but these children aren't going to wait to lead the way. Is anyone over the age of ten actually in charge?
Saga #14 42:28
Being a parent is hard. Being a parent is harder when people want to kill you. Being a parent is the hardest when everyone in the galaxy wants to kill you. Except your mother-in-law. She stopped wanting to kill you five issues ago
Grief Counseling - The Walking Dead Vol. 7 [#37-42] 52:24
Andrea faces her fears each week by reading a volume of The Walking Dead.
She had no idea he wasn't dead. Sorry, Andrea.
Sidebar's got the contact info for questions, concerns or suggestions for the next Grief Counseling focus. Subscribe, comment, and send us your #nerdconfessions! Thanks for listening, everyone.
*Special Edition Tenth Episode Show Notes With Celebrity Guest Editor, Twitter's Own Cameron Williams.

Friday Sep 20, 2013
Episode 9 - Faith
Friday Sep 20, 2013
Friday Sep 20, 2013
No Reviews. Just Analysis.
Andrea got her hopes up this week when Aaron was dying from toddler plague; the opportunity to stack the deck with a co-host who actually likes her was just too good a chance to pass up. Unfortunately for her, (but fortunately for everyone else?) Aaron made a last minute recovery to talk about three books from September 18, 2013. Plus Nerd Confessions, Aaron's Inner Child and Grief Counseling, just for funsies.
Show Notes:
Theme of the show is faith and belief. What makes a god a god? How do you believe in more when you've only ever believed in yourself? And what choices do you make when you know the truth is out there somewhere.
Thor: God of Thunder #13 19:45
Invincibility vs. omnipotence, and the role gods play in the Marvel Universe. Not nearly enough attention is paid to the drinking and the wenches. Or the comic.
(Editor's note: Andrea has found no evidence that Aaron was correct in his assertion that "Thor" was created as Marvel's answer to "Superman", and would like to submit the theory that in fact, he was just talking out his Asgard.)
The Bounce #5 36:45
Is everyone on drugs in this book? Does it matter? Well, maybe not. Because there's a lot being said about what we believe and what we perceive is real in this life and/or the next.
X-Files Season 10 #4 46:30
The ultimate testament to wanting to believe in a higher power, be it man-made or from the stars. Just no guarantees that power is benevolent, right, Mulder? Also: bonus reminiscing from your adorable hosts about the book Chariots of the Gods?
Grief Counseling - The Walking Dead Vol. 6 #31-36 59:40
Each week Andrea faces her fears by reading a volume of The Walking Dead.
She's ready to be done now. Any suggestions for what Aaron should be forced to read next
(Ahem. Yes, Andrea is contractually obligated to continue to be a guinea pig for TWD or another suitable title, but come on. Can't it be Aaron's turn?!)
Questions, comments, concerns? Look to the sidebar for contact info and subscription details, as well as new ways to send us your weekly #nerdconfessions.
This week's intro is by George Michael.
And the outro is by Simple Minds.

Friday Sep 13, 2013
Episode 8 - Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves
Friday Sep 13, 2013
Friday Sep 13, 2013
No Reviews, Just Analysis.
This episode is for the ladies. After freaking out over gender roles at the end of last week's show, Andrea ups the ante with three books from September 11, 2013 that feature strong female characters. Plus Nerd Confessions, Aaron's Inner Child and the most disturbing Grief Counseling yet.
Show Notes:
Theme of the show is the female problem. Take that as you will.
Intro Music
Intro 0:00 to 10:50
Red Sonja #3 14:50 to 29:17
Can a kickass female warrior empower women and break longstanding gender barriers while wearing a skimpy chain mail bikini? Why doesn't Sonja have the sense to just put on some damn pants? It's as if the traditional audience for this character was almost exclusively male...
(Mentioned in this segment: Burnt Weiners Episode 168, in which Aaron and Andrea guest host and discuss Red Sonja #1, among other things.)
X-Men #5 29:36 to 38:45
Battle Of The Atom Part 3, or How Many Jean Greys Does It Take To Destabilize The Timeline of A Lightbulb? It's a sweet reunion between mother and daughter that will probably lead to the end of the Marvel Universe as we know it.
Rachel Rising #19 40:14 to 49:49
Once upon a time there was a girl. She died. The end. But then it wasn't the end anymore. In fact, it was just the beginning. Of the end. That's usually how these things work.
Grief Counseling - The Walking Dead, Vol. 5 #25-30 50:00 to end
Each week Andrea faces her fears by reading a volume of The Walking Dead.
Bonus points if you can note the exact time Aaron makes her cry.
That's it for us this week. Contact info and subscription details are to your right, and don't forget to keep those #nerdconfessions coming!
Outro Music